Camera factory reset

General Information

  • Product: e.g. N35-802-16-BL
  • Serial Number: 150537
  • Operating System: Windows 10 pro


Hello everyone!
I have the camera described above. it was configured to work on an existing system and then was removed. So I’m trying to connect to it but I can’t find it in NXview. I have installed the driver as required after the first research.
Is there any way to factoy reset the camera without the SDK? I would reset the camera and then retry to find it with the software.

Many thanks in advance!

Hi @dxMeta

there is no ‘reset’ or anything similar; but here are a few steps you can perform to get it connected again:

  • I assume the camera is correctly powered, either by DC or PoE
  • first of all you should check if the lights on the Ethernet port of the camera light up. If you are using a Harting cable (which hides the LEDs) you should switch to an RJ45 cable for this.
  • the N35 models need the uEye driver installed, which I suppose you did, as you wrote.
  • next you should rule out a configuration issue on the host PC. The simplest way would be to manually launch the Network Wizard from NxView an select ‘N35’ in the first dialog. This will make NxView check and fix all kinds of configurations for the uEye driver and the respective ethernet port

If the camera is not ‘dead’ (e.g. not LEDs lit), these steps should make it appear in the camera list again.

Let me know if this helps.

I suppose the camera is not usable: powered up with che connector, connected with ethernet, there are no blinks on led. So I think it is broken

Ok, I’m sorry to hear that, but then we cannot do anything remotely and you will have to return it for repair. You can do that via the RMA process of your local supplier.

Hi Daniele,

There is another setting thing that you can check. If you had run the Network Wizard, the setting should be ok. The paket filter for uEye must be enabled.

This setup is correct