Unsupervised installation of Ensenso SDK

General Information

  • Ensenso SDK Version: 4.2
  • Operating System: Windows

Problem / Question

Previous releases of the Ensenso SDK came as an MSI installer package.

The usage of the msi installer gave the possibilty to perform an unsupervised installation of the EnsensoSDK using command line parameters like /qn.

That option seems to be lost with the latest version of the SDK installer that comes as an .EXE file.

At least I could not find any information about an unsupervised installation in your Manual.

Is it still possible to install the SDK unsupervised?

With kind regards


Dear Daniel,

We have changed our installation framework from MSI to NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System). Unsuprvised installation is still possible and works with the /S argument. More options can be found here.

Thank you for your question. We will add this information to our installation manual.

Best regards,

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First, thanks a lot for your quick response!

I just tried to install the SDK with the ā€˜/Sā€™ command line parameter and it worked as expected!

The only point is now, that I receive a popup dialogue I have to interact with, if there is an older version installed on the target machine.

Is there another command line option to automatically remove old versions of the SDK? That would be helpful to achieve an unsupervised installation of updates on machines that are already running with an older version of the Ensenso SDK.

Thanks for your support and

With kind regards



this will be fixed in the next release. The /S option will then uninstall the older version automatically without requiring confirmation.