Trouble getting started with NxLib and Ensenso SDK, Assigning Cam Parameters

General Information

  • Product: e.g. C57-8-S
  • Serial Number: 244011
  • Ensenso SDK Version: 3.6.1617 (NxLib)
  • Operating System: Windows

Problem(s) / Question(s)

I have several starting problems with the Ensenso SDK/NxLib.
An interface connection with C# and the PartFinder is to be written.

  1. On the landing-page for DotNet I found the following Warning:

The Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) interface is deprecated since [EnsensoSDK]( 3.6 and will be deleted in a future version of the SDK.

I have integrated the current Nuget package (V3.6.1617). But it wants to load a local DLL “NxLib64” via the class “NxLibImport”.
In the directory: "…\Ensenso\development\examples\C#.…\bin\x64\Debug" I only found one DLL named “NxLib64CLIv4.0.dll”.
Is this the current or the obsolete version?

  1. Parameters of NxView - use in NxLib

I have saved the settings and parameters of the camera in NxView and tried to load them as follows:

string parametersJson = “(see attachments →
params_capture.json (7.6 KB)

new NxLibItem(NxLib.itmCameras)[“244011”][NxLib.itmParameters].SetJson(out errCode, parametersJson, true);

and also:

NxLibCommand open = new NxLibCommand(NxLib.cmdOpen);
open.Parameters()[NxLib.itmCameras][“244011”][NxLib.itmParameters].SetJson(out errCode, parametersJson, true);

Unfortunately, I could not find/manage to run a concrete example in the documentation.

How, when and where do these have to be defined?

It turns out that only 4 FlexView images are taken and the flash is missing. (If camera “244011” is selected instead of “244011-Color”)
If I select “244011-Color”, I get 4 FlexView images and a flash, but the flash triggers before the FlexView projection is completed.

Do I have to open both cameras (“244011” + “244011-Color”) separately and execute one capture each?

  1. Differences in TreeView with NxView compared to C# NxLib access:

I’ve noticed, that some nodes, as visible in the screenshot, are only visible when NxView is running. When I access the camera via NxLib those Nodes are missing.
Are these relevant for the PartFinder and is it possible to fill them with other follow-up commands?

NxView verbunden:

NxLib Zugriff:

If you need more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
Thanks in Advance!


Hello Max,

To 1.

This is the obsolete one. The NxLibImport class tries to load the NxLib64.dll, which should be found under C:\Windows\System32 after you installed the Ensenso SDK.

To 2.

After installing the nuget package you should see the nxSimple.cs example, which shows how to open and operate a camera.

You can set the camera parameters as follows:

// Assuming you have opened the camera before.
NxLibItem camera = new NxLibItem(NxLib.itmCameras)["244011"];

// Assuming you have a function for reading the json file.
string parametersJson = loadTextFile("params_capture.json");

// Write the /Cameras/244011/Parameters node.

For a C-Series camera you need to open both the stereo and the color camera together in case you want to combine their data.

NxLibCommand open = new NxLibCommand(NxLib.cmdOpen);

This guide provides additional information on the C-Series camera and links to a guide explaining how to combine stereo and color data.

To 3.

These nodes are only existing if the camera has been opened. Here is an example documentation of one of those nodes. Note that there is documentation for all of our nodes in case you are looking for further details.

I hope that helps getting you started. We are here for any further question.

Kind Regards

Hello Benny,

Thank you for all your Answers.

Now that I know that the other Version was the deprecated one, I will focus continueing with the recommended new Version and Nuget Package.

I found the NxLib64.dll in C:\Windows\System32 but the NxLibImport can’t seem to find it.
I tried to copy it to my local Debug folder, but then I get the following error:

Nachricht = Es wurde versucht, eine Datei mit einem falschen Format zu laden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x8007000B)

To 3: I found this note in the Documentation:

This node is not present when the camera is closed or no calibration data was loaded.

I’ll try to also load the calibration once I get the NxLibImport working.


0x8007000B sounds like you mixed 32-bit and 64-bit executables/DLLs… is your executable 64-bit? Because we don’t ship NxLib as 32-bit binaries anymore.

best regards, Rainer

Hey Rainer,

changing to x64 only resolved the issue.

Now I have another Problem with the new dll - all my outputs from .AsJson() return some gibberish.

See my screenshot:


Any ideas how I can solve this problem?


Okay, that look’s interesting :wink: If you could post the code you ran, I can have a closer look.

Hey Benjamin,

here my testing code in C#:

	int errCode;

		NxLibCommand open = new NxLibCommand(NxLib.cmdOpen);
		open.Execute(out errCode, true);

		if (errCode == 0)
		else // Due to errors with the -Color cam not apperaering sometimes - for now just retry
			var itmErrorSymbol = open.Result()[NxLib.itmErrorSymbol].AsString();
			var itmErrorText = open.Result()[NxLib.itmErrorText].AsString();


	var camStereo = new NxLibItem(NxLib.itmCameras)[0];
	camStereo.SetJson(out errCode, JsonStuff.configJsonStereo, true);

	var camColor = new NxLibItem(NxLib.itmCameras)[1];
	camColor.SetJson(out errCode, JsonStuff.configJsonColor, true);

	var captureCmd = new NxLibCommand(NxLib.cmdCapture);
	captureCmd.Execute(out errCode, true);
	if (errCode > 0)
		var itmErrorSymbol = captureCmd.Result()[NxLib.itmErrorSymbol].AsString();
		var itmErrorText = captureCmd.Result()[NxLib.itmErrorText].AsString();

	var rectifyCmd = new NxLibCommand(NxLib.cmdRectifyImages);
	rectifyCmd.Execute(out errCode, true);

	if (errCode > 0)
		var itmErrorSymbol = rectifyCmd.Result()[NxLib.itmErrorSymbol].AsString();
		var itmErrorText = rectifyCmd.Result()[NxLib.itmErrorText].AsString();

	new NxLibCommand(NxLib.cmdComputeDisparityMap).Execute();
	new NxLibCommand(NxLib.cmdEstimateDisparitySettings).Execute();

	string generateModelParams = @"
			""Angle"": 1.57079632679489656,
			""AngularResolution"": 0.31415926535897931,
			""Distance"": 915,
			""Filename"": ""C:\\Users\\pixel\\Desktop\\CE3PRO_endkappe_links.stl"",
			""Function"": ""GenerateModel"",
			""InPlaneAngularResolution"": 0.31415926535897931,
			""RelativeModelSamplingDistance"": 0.048,
			""Subsampling"": 1,
			""Texture"": false,
			""Viewpoints"": ""XNegative""

	NxLibCommand generateModel = new NxLibCommand(NxLib.cmdPartFinder);
	generateModel.Parameters().SetJson(generateModelParams, true);
	generateModel.Execute(out errCode, true);

	if (errCode > 0)
		var itmErrorSymbol = generateModel.Result()[NxLib.itmErrorSymbol].AsString();
		var itmErrorText = generateModel.Result()[NxLib.itmErrorText].AsString();

	int generatedModelId = generateModel.Result()[NxLib.itmModelId].AsInt();

	string findParamsJson = @"
			""CUDA"": {
				""Enabled"": false
			""Cluster"": {
				""Count"": 30,
				""MaximumClusterSize"": 10,
				""MinimumAspectRatio"": 0,
				""MinimumLeadingScore"": 0,
				""Scaling"": 0.5
			""CombinedScore"": 0.84999999999999998,
			""CoverageDistanceThreshold"": 0,
			""DistanceRatio"": 1.19999999999999996,
			""Duplicate"": {
				""Scaling"": 0.5
			""Function"": ""Find"",
			""Hypothesis"": {
				""Count"": 20000,
				""Score"": 0.69999999999999996
			""MaximumSpreadOrder"": 3,
			""MinimumSpreadOrder"": 2,
			""ModelId"": 0,
			""RefineCombined"": {
				""Iterations"": 4
			""Refinement"": {
				""Refine3D"": false

	NxLibCommand find = new NxLibCommand(NxLib.cmdPartFinder);
	find.Parameters().SetJson(findParamsJson, false);

	var findResults = find.Result()[NxLib.itmObjects];

	if (findResults.Count() > 0)
		var findResultsJson = findResults.AsJson(true);
		var findResultsCnt= findResults.Count();
catch (NxLibException exception)
	MessageBox.Show("An error occurred: " + exception.GetErrorText() + " ( " + exception.GetItemPath() + " )", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
	MessageBox.Show("An unknown error occurred", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);

JSON Value of findResultsJson. Note that findResultsCnt has a value of 17.


This looks like an encoding related bug in our interface. We will try to fix it as soon as possible.

For now you could try to fix it yourself. My guess is that changing Marshal.PtrToStringAuto to Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi in line 573 of NxLibItem.cs will fix the problem.

Does the AsString() method work as expected?

Hey Benjamin,

i changed the Code in the NxLibItem to Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(…). That solved the issue. Thanks!

The AsString Method works properly.