Offline usage of reproject points command

General Information

  • Product: e.g. B57-4
  • Ensenso SDK Version: 4.0.1502
  • Operating System: Windows
  • Programming language: C++

Problem / Question

I would like to use the command cmdReprojectPoints without having a sensor connected/opened (offline usage). Currently, the command requires setting a camera serial and requires the camera for the serial to be open. As only the camera matrix (and depending on rectification the rotation matrix) are required, I don’t see any reason for this limitation. In case of offline usage, it would be possible to store the full calibration subtree during connection, so that all relevant matrices for the command would be available later on when the sensor is disconnected and you need to do image to world calculation.

As far as I can see, this is currently not supported and the calculations would need to be implemented manually without the API.

Question 1: Is this assumption correct or are there any workarounds to use this API function in “offline mode” having the calibration subtree at hand?
Question 2: If it is not possible to use the command offline at the moment, are there any plans to allow offline usage in future and if so, is there any timeline for that?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @rkoenigstein, welcome to our forum and sorry for the late reply. For some reason the forum’s email notification didn’t get through.

Your assumption is correct, the command ReprojectPoints expects a single open stereo camera to operate one. Opening the camera is necessary in order to retrieve its calibration data.

What you can do is create a file camera and operate the command on it instead of the actual hardware camera.

Let me know if you have further questions.

Kind Regards