General Information
- Product: B-/C-Series
- Ensenso SDK Version: 4.1
- Operating System: Windows
Problem / Question
When using texture to colorize point clouds, this can be done e.g. by setting [itmParameters][itmCapture][itmTexture][itmEnabled] to true in the tree and then later extract the images from [itmImages][itmRectifiedTexture]. Thereby, an additional colour image is acquired without the projector pattern.
In case 2D images are required for the scan as well, it would be great to just reuse the grabbed texture images, which works just fine in case of scanning with full size.
If setting up a scan aoi, the texture images will be cropped according to the configured scan aoi (limited height, full width if not disabling matching full width in the tree). However, it would be desirable to have them available in full size (height) for 2D only tasks that could then be executed on them without a grabbing additional images.
My assumption is that the full images are grabbed anyways and are probably available, is it possible to get them through the API somehow?
with the normal workflow it is currently not possible to set a different AOI for the texture images. Texture and projector images always show the same pixels so they can be overlayed. But we can achieve this by changing the parameters in between commands.
First of all, it is important to understand that there are always two sets of images involved here: raw images, which come directly from the sensor and rectified images. See this guide for an overview.
The AOI you set through the API applies to the rectified images. It only affects the raw images if you enable UseDisparityMapAreaOfInterest. When that option is disabled, the complete images are transferred from the sensor to the PC, but areas outside of the rectified AOI are then cropped away during rectification.
This allows the following workflow:
- Capture with UseDisparityMapAreaOfInterest disabled.
- Set the rectified AOI for 3D data.
- Run ComputeDisparityMap to compute the 3D data.
- Set the rectified AOI to the full image size.
- Run ComputeTexture to compute the full size rectified texture image.
See this guide for how to find out the offset between the resulting texture image and the point map. Obviously the offset has to be read from the tree while the AOI is set.