We just released Ensenso SDK 4.0.1516. It is available from the download page .
- NxLib: Fix auto exposure for S-series cameras. [#5398] (00206137)
- NxLib: Fix a bug that prevented loading of a settings file for a virtual camera when MultiExposureFactor was enabled. [#5399] (00206100)
- NxLib: Fix an issue where opening a very large file camera from a zip file could delete the image data. [#5495]
- NxLib: Fix file cameras with a single digit Flex View index in the image file names. [#5542]
- NxLib: Correct the calibration tree for XR-series cameras. [#5382]
- Python: Fix dimension order and handle color images in the set_binary_data_from_cv method. [#5477][#5511]
- XR Firmware: Fix recalibration for cameras with large epipolar correction. [#5375]
- NxView: Show the firmware version of C-series color sensors in the “Software Version Information” window. [#5415]
- NxView: Show texture images of file cameras. [#5465]
- NxCalTab: Fix a bug that prevented the assembly calibration window from opening. [#5317]