Controlling Camera Capture Parameters Through the API

General Information

  • Product: N36
  • Ensenso SDK Version: 3.6.1621
  • Operating System: Linux / Windows

Problem / Question

We are working on a problem that requires adjustment of the camera capture parameters. For example, we may adjust exposure and/or gain before capturing an image. I am using the Python API. We plan to port the code to C++ at a later stage.

Currently, when I change a capture parameter, I thereafter call the capture command twice:

  • The first capture updates the camera settings with the new value/s.
  • The second capture acquires the image with the new settings.

Is there a better way to do this i.e. call capture only once? We are concerned about the performance implications when working with many FlexView images.

Thank you.

Hi Asheer,

welcome to our forum.

You shouldn’t have to call capture twice. My guess is that there is some automatic adjustment of the exposure/gain parameter involved? Can you post the Python code you are using, or at least the relevant parts responsible for capturing?

Kind Regards