I have upgraded EnsensoSDK from 3.6.1621 to 4.0.1486. On the old version I was able to save images as rectified, but with the new version this button is greyed out (see image). I can’t seem to find a reason why this is happening. I can revert back to the old version, but I prefer not to. My colleagues are experiences the same issue with the latest version.
since SDK 4.0 the menu entries save the images of all open cameras in a single .enscam file, which can then be opened as file cameras.
For the stereo camera this file can contain either raw or rectified images, but the color camera can only be used as a file camera from raw images at the moment. The menu entry is disabled to avoid creating files with incomplete information. If we saved rectified images for the stereo, the resulting file cameras could not reproduce the situation you saw in NxView while saving.
What exactly do you need the images for? You can either
save raw images if you want to import the images into the NxLib as a file camera later
open only the stereo camera (Ctrl + click when selecting the camera) and save rectified images or
export the rectified images manually from NxTreeEdit as described above.